Enrichment Club

Enrichment Club

LMIS is very pleased to offer families multiple opportunities for enrichment. 

Enriched Montessori Curriculum

In the morning, the Montessori curriculum is implemented, supplemented by Zoology and Physical Education (P.E.) on Fridays, and Zones of Regulation weekly (schedule varies by class). Enrichment Clubs are offered in the afternoon from 4:00-4:30 pm daily. Those enrolled in Plan III (8:15am-6:00pm) are eligible for afternoon Enrichment Clubs. Rather than being “daycare,” the day is wrapped up with an activity every day of the week for the children to explore while having fun! 


Zoology content includes demonstrations with live animals of each class (mammals, reptiles, birds, insects/arthropods), baby animals vs. adults, a discussion of herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore diet, and animal adaptations. 

Rabbit eating lettuce
Montessori student holding a small animal

Physical Education

Physical Education content includes units on health, including hygiene, healthy living, social and emotional intelligence, and violence prevention. It also includes physical activity units wherein we delve into movement patterns and skills, such as maintaining balance, demonstrating stretching and bending, hand-eye coordination, understanding throwing, dribbling with feet, and jumping and turning a rope. The curriculum aligns with the TEAK standards for Physical Education.

Zones of Regulation

Zones of Regulation supplements the Peace Education component already implemented in the Montessori curriculum. It provides additional vocabulary and tools to help develop emotional literacy by categorizing emotions into four colored 'zones,' decreasing judgement about emotions, and helping children develop empathy, compassion, and mindfulness. 

Extracurricular Program

Additionally, parents may opt to enroll their child in the Extracurricular programs, who provide classes weekly at our school such as SOccer, Dance, STEAM, Gymnastics. 

More information can be found in the school's current literature, provided upon touring. 

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