Parent Education

Parent Education

The Components of Home and Family Life that Support a Child's Montessori Education.

At LakeCreek Montessori School, we strive to establish a symbiotic and cooperative partnership between the home and school environments. The educational endeavors at our school build upon the solid groundwork laid by parents at home. Optimal child development occurs when the home and family align seamlessly with the educational principles of the school. Through our interactions with children, we have identified key elements crucial for their well-rounded growth. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to guiding and empowering families, fostering an understanding of these elements to support their children effectively.

LakeCreek Montessori International School also offers periodic parent education workshops for parents to better understand Montessori theory and the development of children. Workshops include discussions, activities, and role-play that address the different types of discipline and communication that support children in developing mutual respect, a sense of capability and a desire to contribute.

Parents and children in the classroom

What is the Montessori Method?

Explaining what the Montessori Method is, how it was developed and how we use it at Lake Creek

Fostering Independence-"Help me do it myself"

Explaining the importance of a child's independence

Benefits of the Montessori 3 Year Cycle

Observation Is an Imperative Tool We Use as Montessorians

Explaining that observation is a crucial and essential tool in the Montessori educational approach.

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